No, they have also H0 buildings. You have to be careful when ordering, because they have the same building in a few different scales.
The two of mine are from eBay (I think the third one was from Aliexpress), and their listings were named as follows:
- Outland Modern Business Office Building 1:87 For HO Gauge Model Train (US $11.70)
- 1/87 HO Scale White Building HO069 For Outland Models Train Railway (US $8.58)
The two of mine are from eBay (I think the third one was from Aliexpress), and their listings were named as follows:
- Outland Modern Business Office Building 1:87 For HO Gauge Model Train (US $11.70)
- 1/87 HO Scale White Building HO069 For Outland Models Train Railway (US $8.58)
My YouTube Channel: Mister No