Continuation of BigLobe Plarail Museum

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I didn't know about the 2 versions of the Big Iron Bridge. I have had a couple of these but the plastic had become so brittle with age that they pretty much easily broke apart while trying to use them. Tried repairing them with Super glues but the plastic didn't hold the Super Glue. So disappointed as I love the look at these rather than the red bridges we see plenty of today. Hey Plarail...why not bring this style of Bridge back and include it exclusively as part of a future special set....Plarail?...Plarail?...are you listening?

One thing I never noticed until I saw these 2 pictures was the added Pier Nubs (see photo) that appears to be for placing piers in a different position

I assume that changing the iron plates on the bridge was Plarail addressing issues with tracks & accessories that they didn't realize would happen in the initial releases. I assume that is also the case with those 'Y' Rails.

[Image: Ej5me01-Vg-AUh-ML9.jpg]
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RE: Continuation of BigLobe Plarail Musuem - by Super - 10-13-2020, 08:05 AM

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