DalaGStanator's Collections

14 Replies, 13738 Views

In case they're of interest, I thought I'll add the other ones anyway so they wouldn't be left out. Given their purpose compared to the commonly accepted (3+) ranges, they don't quite have the same appeal to them (in my opinion). Unless I would need good close up shots like in the filmed series, I've developed a general preference for much smaller scales to do anything with.

[Image: 006.jpg]
  • RC Steam & Sounds Thomas*
  • Musical Bubble Thomas (2x)*
  • Musical Thomas (2004)
  • Whistle & Go Thomas*
  • (Easy Go) RC Thomas
* Unfortunately no longer works. The battery cover got stuck to the bunker (perhaps due to corrosion) and its screw got stripped, making it impossible to open to begin with. Possible water damage as well due to remnants or lack of distilled water. One set of wheels can still roll freely, but the other side causes him to get stuck. Given it uses all wheel drive on each side, there might be an issue with the gearing.
* The first MBT is currently in the shed, so this one is my second. It was bought after the other was once dropped by accident (it didn't break, but the soundchip suffered the hard impact and I have no idea if the motor still works).
* Sound sensitivity reduced (perhaps due to age). Original whistle in shed.

Connect & Sounds Thomas

[Image: 007.jpg] 
  • Troublesome Truck
  • Annie
  • Jet Engine
The engine no longer exists and only the rolling stock remains. Due to their height, I've thought about using Annie and the truck with the motorised Chuggers (either with magnets on the Chuggers' couplings or the magnetic couplings replaced).

Not pictured are the TOMY Activity Island (in shed), TOMY Bathtime Squirters (Bertie in shed; not sure where Thomas, Percy and James are) and the Mega Bloks 2-in-1 Buildable Thomas (disassembled, in LEGO parts box).
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Messages In This Thread
DalaGStanator's Collections - by DalaGStanator - 07-12-2020, 08:02 PM
RE: TheIsraeliSudrian's Collections - by DalaGStanator - 07-18-2020, 08:21 AM
RE: TheIsraeliSudrian's Collections - by Super - 07-18-2020, 10:24 AM
RE: DalaGStanator's Collections - by Super - 01-01-2023, 06:58 PM
RE: DalaGStanator's Collections - by Super - 01-03-2023, 12:49 AM

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