here are some cutoms i wanted to show

222 Replies, 115986 Views

even more
[Image: 20200706-130044.jpg] spare parts mostly trackmaster 2 filled with wheels and motors

[Image: 20200706-130706.jpg]old jinty custom from 2015-2016

[Image: 20200707-220122.jpg]Tomy boco restored the board nose and the roof

[Image: 20200707-220312.jpg]old slow coach made from a Clarabell or Annie 

[Image: 20200707-220732.jpg]custom rolling stock red cars and a red rickety salt van

[Image: 20200707-220923.jpg]and new smokebox murdoch Big Grin
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customs part 2 - by Therealblack64YT - 07-07-2020, 09:32 PM

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