It must be from a Chinese knockoff maker as looking at the items this seller has there are a few knockoff items that I have purchased from before like below. I tried to find this gray version of the arched bridge on AiExpress where I find a lot of the knockoff stuff but can't locate it at the moment.
Anxious to hear if they reply to your query Bijo as that is a big problem with foreigners using the Japan Auctions through an agent, we don't have direct contact with sellers.
here are the other knockoff items this seller offers... The trees aren't Plarail copys but some other toy accessories. They work perfectly with Plarails scale imo and are inexpensive.
Anxious to hear if they reply to your query Bijo as that is a big problem with foreigners using the Japan Auctions through an agent, we don't have direct contact with sellers.
here are the other knockoff items this seller offers... The trees aren't Plarail copys but some other toy accessories. They work perfectly with Plarails scale imo and are inexpensive.