Well, nice for you. That's how it's in your country, here is different. EORI is essential - I can't get anything by DHL without validated EORI number - they are very clear about that. And it's just DHL. On their website they stated as following:
"As of Croatian accession to the European Union, Ministry of Finance, Customs Administration implemented EORI system ( Economic Operators Registration and Identification System) - electronic system for registration and identification of legal entities which are, within their business, engaged in activities covered by customs legislation.I n order to operate and carry out activities under the jurisdiction of the customs legislation of the European Union, it is essential for every Croatian legal entity to apply for granting EORI number.
So every time you have something coming with the DHL - you have to provide validated EORI number, no matter if you are just an individual or a corporation. First you have to send the EORI number to them, then they start to do their job. That is how they do business here. Once again - it's just DHL. Post does not require anything like that.
Additionaly, DHL charges their "service" with some extra fee and this time they required an invoice twice - via SMS and then again by an email. The bottom line is - my tram travelled 3 days from Japan, and it took a week for DHL to do their job. And I have a valid EORI number for years, who knows what happens with clients who don't! They are the worst.
But I got my Tokyo Sakura Tram today! Horaaaay!
"As of Croatian accession to the European Union, Ministry of Finance, Customs Administration implemented EORI system ( Economic Operators Registration and Identification System) - electronic system for registration and identification of legal entities which are, within their business, engaged in activities covered by customs legislation.I n order to operate and carry out activities under the jurisdiction of the customs legislation of the European Union, it is essential for every Croatian legal entity to apply for granting EORI number.
So every time you have something coming with the DHL - you have to provide validated EORI number, no matter if you are just an individual or a corporation. First you have to send the EORI number to them, then they start to do their job. That is how they do business here. Once again - it's just DHL. Post does not require anything like that.
Additionaly, DHL charges their "service" with some extra fee and this time they required an invoice twice - via SMS and then again by an email. The bottom line is - my tram travelled 3 days from Japan, and it took a week for DHL to do their job. And I have a valid EORI number for years, who knows what happens with clients who don't! They are the worst.
But I got my Tokyo Sakura Tram today! Horaaaay!
My YouTube Channel: Mister No