Phantom Gem 61: Orange Girders with Holes
The only time these girders appeared are in the D-51りったいだいてっきょうセット, never released separately.
They had their own connectors and needed their own adaptors for connecting newer piers. Adaptors are small so once they get lost, it is impossible to use these girders. These are released for a very short time in 1972-1973, during the old coupling era, the blue plate D-51 era.
The only time these girders appeared are in the D-51りったいだいてっきょうセット, never released separately.
They had their own connectors and needed their own adaptors for connecting newer piers. Adaptors are small so once they get lost, it is impossible to use these girders. These are released for a very short time in 1972-1973, during the old coupling era, the blue plate D-51 era.