January 31st, 2020
Here's the modified Hank
Here he is before the modification.
After I removed the fake rods. With a dremel with a cutting blade, it was easy to remove, all you have to do is to cut the supports for the rods and they'll fall right off.
The back on Hank's small tanks needed a bit of sanding down for the moving rods to go through perfectly.
I also needed to pull out the rusty axles because they were too short so I had a spare set just for his moving siderods.
Here he is after I first modified him, he looks great but I think he needed a bit more paint to make him more like in the show. Im my T&F Universe, I decided to do Hank's redesign with a Black Smokebox and Cab roof to match the other Sodor Engines.
After I went with the black roof. I acidently smeared Gold Marker on his roof so I decided to go with a black roof for him.
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Here's the modified Hank
Here he is before the modification.
After I removed the fake rods. With a dremel with a cutting blade, it was easy to remove, all you have to do is to cut the supports for the rods and they'll fall right off.
The back on Hank's small tanks needed a bit of sanding down for the moving rods to go through perfectly.
I also needed to pull out the rusty axles because they were too short so I had a spare set just for his moving siderods.
Here he is after I first modified him, he looks great but I think he needed a bit more paint to make him more like in the show. Im my T&F Universe, I decided to do Hank's redesign with a Black Smokebox and Cab roof to match the other Sodor Engines.
After I went with the black roof. I acidently smeared Gold Marker on his roof so I decided to go with a black roof for him.
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Making Customs, Filming Videos and looking for the purest engines. That's how I roll here on Blue Plastic Tracks.
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