Here's a page with some info on them, looks like there was an earlier version of the station with "dolls" and controls sticking out of the sides of the rails to be able to move them. Not long after it stopped being sold with "dolls" and the roof was changed to orange from red, and was sold individually (that must be the station in Super's original post) and in a set. Later it was redesigned with different colors and sold in the sets in Chris' post and at some point there was a yellow version.
This page has some information about the second set in Chris' post, seems like there was a ten or so year gap between the original late 60s station and the next one.
The station traps an incoming train and the wheels seem to power some kind of ringing bell and then gets released when the other train arrives. There were two versions of the late 60s early 70s set with different train designs.
This page has some information about the second set in Chris' post, seems like there was a ten or so year gap between the original late 60s station and the next one.
The station traps an incoming train and the wheels seem to power some kind of ringing bell and then gets released when the other train arrives. There were two versions of the late 60s early 70s set with different train designs.
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.