So it looks like, from the picture, it gets its power from those side rails.
Now that I see this picture, Plarail has already made this in 2 versions quite some time ago. I will try to dig them up.
Here is a quick picture from one version that I have that was sold retail by itself. The other version was sold in a big set with a large station that also had road track. That version had a different number. I know I had a Thread involving these but I can't recall their name?
Found them...the other version was numbered 01
Now that I see this picture, Plarail has already made this in 2 versions quite some time ago. I will try to dig them up.
Here is a quick picture from one version that I have that was sold retail by itself. The other version was sold in a big set with a large station that also had road track. That version had a different number. I know I had a Thread involving these but I can't recall their name?
Found them...the other version was numbered 01