Ok, after a bunch of printing (between other projects), I've got together a suitable selection of rails to build a small layout which I will be doing in the next week or two, here's a picture this shows the following;
There are still plenty more types of track to print including dual lane straights/curves, other types of points including curved points and three way switches, as previously posted also bridges etc... I will be printing more of all types as time goes by and expanding my track set to go with my mini collection. I'll soon be offering these for sale as well if anyone is interested, watch the trading zone or PM me if interested.
- 4 x Radius 1 curves (makes a circle)
- 8 x Radius 2 curves (makes a circle)
- 5 x Shorter straights
- 4 x Longer straights (can't remember the exact length and I'm not home to measure them at the moment lol)
- 2 x Different 4 way crossovers
- 1 x Straight Cross-over track
- 1 each Left and Right Points - Could be used for sidings or a passing loop
There are still plenty more types of track to print including dual lane straights/curves, other types of points including curved points and three way switches, as previously posted also bridges etc... I will be printing more of all types as time goes by and expanding my track set to go with my mini collection. I'll soon be offering these for sale as well if anyone is interested, watch the trading zone or PM me if interested.
Happily collecting things all my life...