Here's some more printed parts to whet your appetite;
The bridge completed (well the standard one, there are also 'extension' options for a longer bridge - see later when I print them
Two sizes of dual straight pieces - first one 50mm long (~2"), second 75mm long (~3")
First of several different cross-overs
A support pillar used with two 'rising straights' that make a large rise.
A few connectors (used to join the track together - as per the bridge parts above)
The bridge completed (well the standard one, there are also 'extension' options for a longer bridge - see later when I print them
Two sizes of dual straight pieces - first one 50mm long (~2"), second 75mm long (~3")
First of several different cross-overs
A support pillar used with two 'rising straights' that make a large rise.
A few connectors (used to join the track together - as per the bridge parts above)
Happily collecting things all my life...