It is darker Green than promo photo, that stuff sometimes changes between development and release. it is a shame you can't use a normal girder instead of the special one which doesnt give much support not to mention cant be used except for ground level of layout. The connector piece is actually the best part you can change the sex of either side of the bridge without 1/4 adapters
as is with the other 2 new curved track parts.
My assumption is, that this was trial of this bridge on the market, it also consists of many pieces that have trouble supporting a moving train properly. So if sold alone they may have problem with price to high because of the different pieces needed and then customer complaints on the bridges function.
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2014, 05:01 PM by Gerisplarail1.)
as is with the other 2 new curved track parts.
My assumption is, that this was trial of this bridge on the market, it also consists of many pieces that have trouble supporting a moving train properly. So if sold alone they may have problem with price to high because of the different pieces needed and then customer complaints on the bridges function.