Hornby Un-Rebuilt West Country Loco

3 Replies, 4475 Views

This is another special loco, a limited edition produced and boxed nicely with a certificate. This depicts a West Country class loco in its original 'streamlined' form, in their latter lives these like the Battle of Britain class had the streamlining removed to aid maintenance. But I like most people like them in their original form Smile

The main way to tell a West Country loco from a Battle of Britain loco is in the naming convention, the latter were named after RAF airfields, personalities or aircraft (i.e. Tangmere, Spitfire, etc...) whereas West Country locos were named for locations in the West Country, in this instance 'Exeter'.

Super you'll love this one, loads of rivets Smile


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Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
Hornby Un-Rebuilt West Country Loco - by Nigels - 04-06-2018, 03:06 PM

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