Sir Handel???

4 Replies, 4918 Views

Thanks Chrizzly

What really confused me was the rear, fake truck wheels which on both have it as white. I thought maybe there was something in a story that had him change wheel color.

[Image: s-l1u600.jpg][Image: s-ld1600.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Sir Handel??? - by Super - 03-15-2018, 03:01 PM
RE: Sir Handel??? - by Chrizzly - 03-15-2018, 03:10 PM
RE: Sir Handel??? - by Super - 03-15-2018, 04:09 PM
RE: Sir Handel??? - by Chrizzly - 03-16-2018, 11:09 AM
RE: Sir Handel??? - by Super - 03-16-2018, 01:15 PM

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