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Which Do Tou Prefer? Thomas Greatest Moments

2 Replies, 5827 Views

(07-13-2014, 02:11 AM)jdogman Wrote: Sorry and I hate to rain on it here but Easter Special and Big Haul wouldn't count as Greatest Moment packs and Thomas Makes a Mess is missing unless it's just counting Fisher-Price TrackMaster only. Sad

Regardless of that, it still is a hard choice. Thomas with Annie and Clarabel is an essential combination, and Slippy Sodor is not too bad with nice decorations on the brakevan, flatbed, and Thomas' funnel. Thomas Makes a Mess is also pretty good but since it was the start of the three car Greatest Moments and they look like they were done last minute, the empty truck is a waste. Thomas' Big Haul does have some pretty neat rolling stock though.

True. I couldn't think of any other greatest moments counting thomas so I added those as I assumed some might consider those greatest moments packs.
From Thomas To Today's Modern Diesels, They're All A Part Of My Rail-Yard!

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RE: Which Do Tou Prefer? Thomas Greatest Moments - by Trackmaster-Rail-Yard - 07-13-2014, 02:32 AM

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