(08-17-2017, 05:24 PM)Nigels Wrote: Hoarders are the sort of people who live surrounded by 20 year old newspapers, carrier bags and similar, the sort of person you describe is a collector come traderBig difference :p
Unless you do consider yourself a hoarder and/or are surrounded by old newspapers etc...
Okay, so it's more like addiction then?

On a more serious note, I do often wonder when collecting becomes hoarding. I had business dealings with a man some years ago who was quite wealthy but seemed to have crossed a line between collecting and hoarding. He had a small staff and a pretty large house, so the worst excesses were kept in check. Also, the stuff wasn't just junk but amazing and expensive antiques and artwork. His house was dark and gloomy but the downstairs was maintained. The upstairs was full of junk as well as expensive rugs, furniture and other items. I recall a room with paperwork and magazines scattered around along with a brass HO locomotive, all left on top of an expensive oriental rug. Definitely an odd situation!