Upon further checking it looks like there are two different battery configurations for the Disney Monorails. Initially I thought maybe the non-Anniversary releases may only use one C cell but in the pictures below we see there are ones with a C cell on each end with the middle car having a button cell for sound but on others we see that there is only a big door for a C cell on one end, a small door on the other end for a button battery and no door on the middle car. There is also the picture which shows the 10th Year Anniversary release uses only the one C cell in the lead car and the button cell in the last car.
Still can't figure out why the need for 2 C cells or in the differences in battery configuration is maybe first and second generation. Anyone have ideas?
Still can't figure out why the need for 2 C cells or in the differences in battery configuration is maybe first and second generation. Anyone have ideas?