(04-25-2017, 02:17 PM)Pablo392 Wrote: Probably Amazon wasn't supposed to sell it until certain date, may have been listed by mistake. TRuS does that all the time, they put out toys that they aren't supposed to sell, then the cashier potentially could make little boys cry when they tell the dads "sorry, we are not supposed to sell this until xx/xx". Luckily one cashier the other day let one slip by, it was a Star Wars Lego toy of some sort.
That reminds me, it's surprising that FP did not consider licensing Star Wars Minis.
Totally agree about the Star Wars minis. I'm hoping that the DC line has run its course and now there's space for a new crossover collection. Star Wars could easily fill that void.
(04-25-2017, 12:59 PM)Yeahright Wrote: I only saw it on amazon. I ordered it but kept getting emails hat it is delayed. Being impatient I cancelled it and now it looks like you can't order it anymore.
I did the same thing as you. I just cancelled my order. I was getting tired of the unknown shipping date. I'm sure it will be out soon enough