Online Auctions - Pet Peeves & Positives

47 Replies, 64100 Views

As A Buyer
Sellers that don't realize how important it is to buyers when they start their Auctions. This pertains to the USA Ebay but also could be happening in your country especially if your country has multiple time zones. For example a seller on the west coast of the States stays up late and lists their items at 2:00am, their time, which means that the auction then ends at 5:00am on the east coast. Makes it very hard to be a last minute bidder at that time. The opposite is also true, when an east coast seller lists an auction at 7:00 am it will end at 4:00am on the west coast. What I like to do in my auctions as I am on the east coast is list my items between 9:00 & 11:00pm, my time, so they end between 6:00 & 8:00pm on the west coast. I believe this gives the east coast bidders a chance to give a last minute bid while they are home in the evening and before they go to bed at the same time giving the last minute bidders on the west coast a chance to get in their bids as they should be home from work by then. I can't tell you how many times I have had to set my alarm clock for 4:00am just because the sellers don't realize that the time the auction ends might mean a sale or a sale at a higher price giving more bidders a chance. Believe it or not I have seen sellers in my own time zone list their items at 2:00 or 3:00am. They sure must not realize that just because they are up at that time most all other, sober, buyers are not.

In a related peeve...sellers that bulk list their listings at the same time or close to the same time. This makes them end at or very close to the same times. So if you are interested in several of their items its near impossible to make last minute bids on them.

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RE: Online Auctions - Pet Peeves & Positives - by Super - 04-09-2017, 09:57 PM

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