As A Buyer
It really frosts my knuckles when I see the nickle and dimers jump in at the beginning of an Auction, especially when these bidders are new to Online Auctions. These 'New-Bee's' as I call them start bidding early with minimum bids and continue bidding the minimum whenever someone out bids them. This becomes even more irritating when you get several 'New-Bee's trying to 'one up' each other driving the price of the item up and up. I have coined this the 'New-Bee Wars'. These bidders keep bidding the bare minimum so they can be on top but there is still six days left in the Auction. This can continue even when the price of the Auction is driven quite high at which time these bidders become 'Pot Committed' to coin a Poker Term and continue to out bid each other by the minimum. I guess they think by bidding 25cents over the last bid will scare them away. Once again these types of strategy may work in a live, Auction House type auction but doesn't work Online. New-Bee Wars happen often on Ebay but its way more prevalent in the Japan Auctions where you can see, early in a listing, 20 or 30 bids on an item and the price has only reached 550yen.
As A Seller
I love the 'New-Bee Wars'
It really frosts my knuckles when I see the nickle and dimers jump in at the beginning of an Auction, especially when these bidders are new to Online Auctions. These 'New-Bee's' as I call them start bidding early with minimum bids and continue bidding the minimum whenever someone out bids them. This becomes even more irritating when you get several 'New-Bee's trying to 'one up' each other driving the price of the item up and up. I have coined this the 'New-Bee Wars'. These bidders keep bidding the bare minimum so they can be on top but there is still six days left in the Auction. This can continue even when the price of the Auction is driven quite high at which time these bidders become 'Pot Committed' to coin a Poker Term and continue to out bid each other by the minimum. I guess they think by bidding 25cents over the last bid will scare them away. Once again these types of strategy may work in a live, Auction House type auction but doesn't work Online. New-Bee Wars happen often on Ebay but its way more prevalent in the Japan Auctions where you can see, early in a listing, 20 or 30 bids on an item and the price has only reached 550yen.
As A Seller
I love the 'New-Bee Wars'