So the resistor looks to be yellow,orange, brown, silver, right? It should be 430ohms, i think it's in series with the motor, I can only imagine it's to slow the speed of the motor. if it's in series with the power circuit it's the only thing it can do,
the transistor thing in the other picture is a capacitor, it's used for smoothing the power spike when the motor is switched on and off, it also suppresses noise and interference that can effect the electronic circuits, on the other engines (with no circuit boards) you can run without it no problems, but with these having the boards it would be worth keeping them.
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2017, 12:58 PM by Tramp.)
the transistor thing in the other picture is a capacitor, it's used for smoothing the power spike when the motor is switched on and off, it also suppresses noise and interference that can effect the electronic circuits, on the other engines (with no circuit boards) you can run without it no problems, but with these having the boards it would be worth keeping them.