Yeah, be sure to read the FAQs and shipping/payment info. If you purchased say an item for 500¥ it could easily be 2000-3000¥ once final shipping and fees are in. It is defiantly a good idea to get a few items and a lot of us do, the problem is knowing when to stop.. haha.. this is where the Super termed "Might as well" syndrome comes in. You get a few items and then see something cheap and figure, might as well, and before you know it you have 10 items and a $300 shipping bill.. (I know nothing about this..)
Jauce does take PayPal. I have switched to siring FromJapan as their fees are a bit cheaper but I still use Jauce to search for items get the item number and then copy to FromJapan. I like the way Jauce has their payment structure though as with FromJapan it can make the final payment staggering where with jauce it is more split up.
Jauce does take PayPal. I have switched to siring FromJapan as their fees are a bit cheaper but I still use Jauce to search for items get the item number and then copy to FromJapan. I like the way Jauce has their payment structure though as with FromJapan it can make the final payment staggering where with jauce it is more split up.