(07-02-2014, 12:26 AM)Ucwepn Wrote: The sets are all over $50 here in Australia (windmill starter set, signal starter set, spinning cranky etc) which makes them automatically a larger purchase and less of an impulse buy, and when I outlay money on a larger purchase I tend to do some research first and thus I see how crappy most of the sets are and overpriced here thus I don't buy them unless heavily on sale.
I like the idea of the Windmill Starter , but it's just waaaay to overpriced. If the windmill was battery powered, it would be worth it no doubt. However all it is is a oval with a plastic windmill that turns. Honestly, not worth what it is going for. Over here it's 17 dollars. If it where powered, trust me. I'd have one.
(07-02-2014, 01:04 AM)exile90 Wrote: Funny you've mentioned the Windmill Starter Set.. It was on clearance for $10 at Target last week. But i thought it was still too much for just a tiny windmill plus basic oval track set.
Perhaps a small motor could do the trick for powering the windmill. It's been done (in video) before, but how hard is it to do this! Come on fisher price how hard is it! I still like the overall set look but it's pretty overpriced around here.
If this can be done , I'd get it just for the powering of it. I'm a noob at that stuff though

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(This post was last modified: 07-02-2014, 03:13 AM by Trackmaster-Rail-Yard.)