down here, at the bottom of the world, the global shipping program can be crippling.
for example... a single thomas mini. GSP cost is $20NZD. in contrast, i bought the big big loader store display a few weeks back, and shipping cost for that was a reasonable $69NZD.
often when browsing ebay, i will either decide not to buy due to the GSP cost, or else will ask geris if he can buy it for me and then forward it on. i always add a few extra dollars for his time and trouble, but still come out better off.
for example... a single thomas mini. GSP cost is $20NZD. in contrast, i bought the big big loader store display a few weeks back, and shipping cost for that was a reasonable $69NZD.
often when browsing ebay, i will either decide not to buy due to the GSP cost, or else will ask geris if he can buy it for me and then forward it on. i always add a few extra dollars for his time and trouble, but still come out better off.
my website address has changed: