(11-08-2016, 10:05 PM)Super Wrote: Holy Cow...you have a lot of Capsules. How many of those critters did they release? Those are going to look great running around your layout.....wait.....you don't have a layout.
I have plans to build a layout for the capsule trains, after all its much smaller than PlaRail - sort of almost an 'N Gauge' PlaRail I suppose. But first I'm still sorting through it all, not even really started on the standard capsule PlaRail yet (shinkansens etc...) then I got the Galaxy 999 ones, more Chuggington, and of course the Epoch capsule trains - those are really interesting as they run on the same gauge tracks, but have electrically powered cars rather than wind-up, also some neat scenery pieces including some with sound chips and motion detectors

As to how many items have been released, god knows but there are lots, loads I know I don't have among these ones I've got and there are plenty here! Still its a great way of getting an instant collection

Oh, I nearly forgot, there was talk of why Diesel was unpowered, well while sorting through the Thomas stuff I've come across non-powered versions of quite a few of the loco's - some of which I've uploaded pics of to illustrate this. I think the reason for this is that there are some PlaRail wagons that are electrically powered, similar to the Epoch ones so those could move the Thomas trains around. These wagons take those sort of half size AAA batteries, theres a few illustrated in the wagon thread including a pic of one with the cover off...
Happily collecting things all my life...
(This post was last modified: 11-08-2016, 10:16 PM by Nigels.)