Did Mattel/Fisher Price release more engines from the Great Race?

13 Replies, 18363 Views

(10-20-2016, 06:15 AM)Starworld101 Wrote: Sorry for the late reply, If you watch the paining scene thomas has a mini montage and apears like that for a few moments.

They took it off PBS, if my son pushes more I'll have to pick up the DVD/BD.
I checked the little clips to see if it was there, nope but Thomas sure looks magnificent in the scene where he dreams being streamlined.
Come to think of it, the music in this movie was exceptionally good. So catchy and high production value.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Did Mattel/Fisher Price release more engines from the Great Race? - by Pablo392 - 10-20-2016, 06:30 AM

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