No, the list will stay collapsed; since there's no detailed revision history (I know, I know! ) there's no way for a list to know something has changed inside itself. Also once I insert a new wave, you'll see that it inherits the collapse-state of the wave it was inserted before, and everything after it will shift over one. You'll see what I mean when we get a little more info about 2017/1 and I get around to adding it.
Auto-collapsing is a neat idea, but I also worry about irritating people with it. "I just checked the last engine in that wave and instead of being able to sit back and enjoy all the checkmarks, they all disappeared!" Actually the way I originally envisioned the collapsible tables was as a way for new collectors to hide all the 2015 waves so the stuff they find in stores would be up at the top for them.
Actually the new 3-digit numbers in 2017/1 are kind of a problem, since I made some assumptions about codes always having exactly 2 digits. I think I've got a solution but it means extra testing to make sure I don't break anything or slow down the page load time, so that's what I'll be concentrating on for a little while.
Auto-collapsing is a neat idea, but I also worry about irritating people with it. "I just checked the last engine in that wave and instead of being able to sit back and enjoy all the checkmarks, they all disappeared!" Actually the way I originally envisioned the collapsible tables was as a way for new collectors to hide all the 2015 waves so the stuff they find in stores would be up at the top for them.
Actually the new 3-digit numbers in 2017/1 are kind of a problem, since I made some assumptions about codes always having exactly 2 digits. I think I've got a solution but it means extra testing to make sure I don't break anything or slow down the page load time, so that's what I'll be concentrating on for a little while.