Thread to help each other find missing Trains.

20 Replies, 30210 Views

(09-22-2016, 07:46 PM)Pablo392 Wrote: Hi Everyone,
Is there another, more active forum where people discuss their mini collection, and possibly meet up and trade with each other? Thanks in advance. I am missing some basic ones, which I think were extremely common on 1st wave. Things like Bert, James, Bash, Ben, the usual common ones. Any chance someone has duplicate of these wants to trade or sell?

Sorry, I cannot edit my post above, but do not rely too much on Fisher-Price web store. I just ordered bunch of things from them, and they short-shipped, with no message or excuse or apology. When I contacted them, the emails bounced back undeliverable, finally after going through their website support, they admitted that they didn't have it in stock.. Such a terrible operation. Anyway, I ended up buying it on ebay with a reasonable mark-up by the seller, but it's a shame, really. I hope they don't mess up the Minis by turning them into infinite releases or random stuff.

I just had the same bad experience with Fisher Price on my last Spongebob 9 packs order. After waiting weeks of being told they were on back order i inadvertly found out they cancelled my order. After a futile discusdion and no customer gift for thier screw up i finally receive notice of the cancelation in the mail. I feel I too will have to purchase and pay way our price via Ebay.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Thread to help each other find missing Trains. - by Minilover61 - 10-02-2016, 07:27 AM

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