Thread to help each other find missing Trains.

20 Replies, 30202 Views

Hi Everyone,
Is there another, more active forum where people discuss their mini collection, and possibly meet up and trade with each other? Thanks in advance. I am missing some basic ones, which I think were extremely common on 1st wave. Things like Bert, James, Bash, Ben, the usual common ones. Any chance someone has duplicate of these wants to trade or sell?

Sorry, I cannot edit my post above, but do not rely too much on Fisher-Price web store. I just ordered bunch of things from them, and they short-shipped, with no message or excuse or apology. When I contacted them, the emails bounced back undeliverable, finally after going through their website support, they admitted that they didn't have it in stock.. Such a terrible operation. Anyway, I ended up buying it on ebay with a reasonable mark-up by the seller, but it's a shame, really. I hope they don't mess up the Minis by turning them into infinite releases or random stuff.
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2016, 07:48 PM by Pablo392.)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Thread to help each other find missing Trains. - by Pablo392 - 09-22-2016, 07:46 PM

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