(08-07-2016, 07:34 PM)Bertsan531 Wrote: We"ll see if they will do a Re-Designed Edward and Henry maybe in the Coming months and maybe The Flying ScotsmanOr even Re-Designed versions of Thomas, Percy, Toby ,Duck, Donald, Douglas, Oliver, Skarloey, Rheneas, Sir Handel, Rusty, Duncan, Luke, Diesel, Diesel 10, Salty, BoCo, Stepney, Bill and Ben, Mighty Mac (New redeisgned motor for the coach), Molly (Redesigned from Tender Powered to Locomotive powered with moving Siderods), Victor, and Stanley.
I also think they should release Millie, the international engines from The Great Race, Streamlined Thomas, Shooting Star Gordon, Den, Dart, Sidney, Paxton, Peter Sam, Iron Arry and Iron Bert, Samson, Sam, Porter, Timothy, Mike, Bert, Rex, Duke and Bertram, Decorated James and Emily from The Great Race, and Philip.
I also think they should make spare wheels and siderods for plarail models incase their wheels crack and break and siderods as well.
I also think that the redesigned models of Skarloey, Den, and Diesel should have moving Sideods but Diesel's siderods should be black, and Den's should be Orange. Paxton and Sidney's would be red.
We'll see what happens.
Making Customs, Filming Videos and looking for the purest engines. That's how I roll here on Blue Plastic Tracks.
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