Pounding Mountain Set: Not Worth the Money (to me, and DEFINITELY to my Mom)

13 Replies, 16336 Views

(06-22-2016, 01:40 AM)Super Wrote: I guess I don't understand why you can't incorporate into another layout. Just looking at the picture it looks to be easy.

that's what I was thinking, too. After a bit more playing around, I just learned that I'm wrong about straights not fitting through, but in order to connect a track going through the tunnel with a track going up and down the mountain, you would need a lot of space, and a lot of curves. If you don't make it pretty much the exact same way as the picture presents, or wider, then it won't work.
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RE: Pounding Mountain Set: Not Worth the Money (to me, and DEFINITELY to my Mom) - by Miksolo - 06-22-2016, 01:51 AM

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