Here are a few more pics for reference.
From left to right. (Broken TnA shell, my existing TnA shell, a regular Henrietta shell, and finally the Toby shell.
And here is one showing the difference in the TnA one versus the regular Henrietta end piece.
The TnA one has a screw that secures the black pieces. In addition the piece I am missing is the one that secures the shell to the chassis.
As for the Toby shell, I think I could match the shell color and touch it up, then get the stickers from a regular Toby. The shell is different than a regular Toby so swapping them would not work.
Side note. I did test him and the sound and motor works fine.
From left to right. (Broken TnA shell, my existing TnA shell, a regular Henrietta shell, and finally the Toby shell.
And here is one showing the difference in the TnA one versus the regular Henrietta end piece.
The TnA one has a screw that secures the black pieces. In addition the piece I am missing is the one that secures the shell to the chassis.
As for the Toby shell, I think I could match the shell color and touch it up, then get the stickers from a regular Toby. The shell is different than a regular Toby so swapping them would not work.
Side note. I did test him and the sound and motor works fine.