(06-02-2016, 07:24 AM)DalaGStanator Wrote: Wonderful purchases. I actually quite like the Toy Story train, although it would've been better if they recreated the train from Toy Story 3, like LEGO did.
The double track switches are also quite interesting, and if you had those male-female connector pieces, you could've connected them the way you arranged them in this photo (though they do allow for some interesting layout sections).
That transparent pink track looks really strange. I had no idea there was a set like that (definitely not surprised your daughter likes it).
Does the grey track originally belong to that D51 set? If it does, it looks awesome compared to the generic blue type that everyone has. I just wish they made a better style of reinforced power connectors, because these almost completely ruin the look of any item that uses them (especially with the tender being too far from the engine in this case. How are the driver and fireman supposed to shovel the coal like that?).
Have to say that was a lucky day for you, Ripley.
Thanks DalaGStanator,
Yes the grey track is what is included with this set. This is really the first grey track I have other than the platform type track. I would agree on the connectors. Having repaired several of the Real Steam Thomas engines as well as Rocky, I know the wires can snap inside very easily. Having the 50 phrase talking engines, it would be great if they could make th real steam like those. Those have a powered engine and the tender/coach is the talking piece with it's own set of batteries, etc...
I agree, was very lucky to get these lots, and that they arrived on the same day was a bonus.