(05-31-2016, 09:30 PM)ActionChugger Wrote: I have a valid reason.... We still cant find the Hayabusa!
I might have to buy another.
How can you lose a whole train lol!! Have you checked under Evan's bed lol!!
(05-31-2016, 10:12 PM)leylandvictory2 Wrote: do they have clearnace issues?
I've not tried it on track yet, just not had the time mate, but I don't think they will the clearance is at least as good a Tomy, it just looks less as the bodies are slightly bigger scale than a Tomy. I'll see if I can find a Tomy 485 to put side-by-side with the Sega.

(06-01-2016, 01:45 AM)Miksolo Wrote: Are the wheels really that tiny? What even is this??
Oh, wrong person to quote, but, still, what is this, if it isn't already posted above, which I am about to read.
The little wheels are 'dummy' wheels, the real ones are the big grey ones, just like on Tomy and PlaRail Advance

Happily collecting things all my life...
(This post was last modified: 06-01-2016, 07:38 PM by Nigels.)