Thread to help each other find missing Trains.

20 Replies, 30206 Views

Hello, I'm a New Member from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Seeking: complete 2016/2 with matching batch numbers, preferably from USA source so as to have ENGLISH packaging for my files.

Traders Available: SEALED blind bags --> 2015/4 #80,81,82,83 (Batman,Flash,Robin,Riddler) and 2016/2 #38,39,40 (Dots,Junior,Sugar);
can source blind bags for 2015/4, 2016/1 and 2016/2 from my local stores.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Thread to help each other find missing Trains. - by BrownBullhead - 05-25-2016, 05:06 AM

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