Plarail Disney Monorail sets, worth it?

31 Replies, 35600 Views

All of the over-rail Plarail Monorails are wobbly including all the releases of the Disney Monorails. The newest, Event Exclusive. Tokyo Monorail Type 10000 is the first and only (hope there are more) Plarail, overrail Monorail that doesn't wobble. This is because they corrected the faults of the originals by using spring loaded rail guides rather that just a channel which fit loosely on top of the rails. It would be very nice if Plarail and Disney released a new generation of these overrail Monorails with the spring loaded guides.

The sloped rails for both the over and under Plarail Monorails are very cool and by the looks of the YouTube Videos work with all Plairail Monorails except for this newest release. The sloped rails aren't that easy to find and when yo do are very expensive, averaging about $20 each. They also can be used lying flat for the regular trains which forms a gentle 17" S curve one of which we just used in a tricky spot in our revamped layout.

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RE: Plarail Disney Monorail sets, worth it? - by Super - 05-17-2016, 02:38 PM

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