More TnA "FromJapan" Boxed Henry...

13 Replies, 18163 Views

(04-30-2016, 10:02 PM)ripley802 Wrote: DD51 and cars -- (set or no?)
[Image: F579A6AD-B652-4BC6-A3E6-22F2F8080E4A_zps4jwj45md.jpg]
[Image: 9CA8CD32-5DB6-405C-B12E-518C9086BBC1_zpsh0l1s5bz.jpg]

The livestock and container car appear to be together. The salt van is most likely from a TOMY Henry, and no words on the tanker and caboose.
I AM NOT DEAD. Just inactive. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: More TnA "FromJapan" Boxed Henry... - by ROKMAN1445 - 05-01-2016, 09:13 PM

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