Takara PlaRail (Pocket Trains) Information

31 Replies, 45085 Views

Indeed they do Super, I'm hoping the trains will run on the Takara track and vice-a-versa, if they do then it makes it a lot easier for people to get into the Takara system as you could start with Diaso until you find some Takara.

To answer your question, yes they can be stacked and yes a Takara train would definitely fit underneath them - they also do overhead line gantries, a girder bridge + bridge piers and various other bits and bobs to enhance the Takara system Smile

If you check this eBay listing you'll see half-way down the page a video of the Diaso system in action, apart from slowing a bit on slopes it seems to go quite well Smile

Diaso Listing
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 04-13-2016, 08:28 PM by Nigels.)

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RE: *NEW* Takara PlaRail (Pocket Trains) Information - by Nigels - 04-13-2016, 08:25 PM

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