Takara PlaRail (Pocket Trains) Information

31 Replies, 45901 Views

They are available on eBay occassionally, in fact the first couple of lots I got were off eBay - the first was a stunning bundle of all brand new trains, scenery and track which I picked up for a song. Ironically it was that initial batch that caused me to find BPT in the first place lol!!

Since then I picked up a few more trains off eBay mainly from sellers in Hong Kong for very reasonable amounts ~<£5 each (and all new Smile)

But I've now got impatient so have delved into the shady and dangerous world of the Japanese auctions, again they are a minority product but they do appear from time to time Smile

But who knows with me promoting them maybe more will be dusted off from lofts etc... and start popping up...
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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RE: *NEW* Takara PlaRail (Pocket Trains) Information - by Nigels - 04-12-2016, 04:18 PM

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