(03-04-2016, 11:55 PM)sunhuntin Wrote: what i did was make a spreadsheet by copying and pasting the lists from the thomas minis wiki. then i added columns for blind bag codes, 3, 4, 7 and 8 pack codes, and set exclusives.
i group each type together, and use a different box color for engines im missing. its very confusing at times, but usually, if i keep the info updated, i can match multi pack releases with blind bags and mostly avoid doubles. i used to have columns showing how many releases each character had had, but when it got some reaching 5, i gave it up and removed those.
this is a sample of some lines from my file. its not actually as squished up as this, but i had to condense it to fit the word window.
if, for example, i was missing thomas, his box would a shade of purple. the number under wave 4 is colored because it was a new release engine that i needed. since i record all numbers, needed or not, i had to have a way to easily identify the ones wanted when ordering.
there are a furthur two columns after "advent" for the licensed multipacks. it used to be DC, but with the introduction of spongebob the heading got changed.
Are you willing to share this spreadsheet??