That is a cool web site, thanks for that Anc. I am amazed that they could compress air so much back then. Many types of those compressed air engines. Seems like to me that it would take a lot of pressure to work the pistons and the pressure would drop quickly but I must be wrong.
LOL...I kept skipping Chemistry Class. I know you are right but I just can't wrap my head around it. Probably because all I have any knowledge of is a home boiler and compressed natural gas. Sort of teaching an old dog new tricks or convincing the Queen that the world is round and we won't fall off the edge sailing to the west. Thanks for the information.
LOL...I kept skipping Chemistry Class. I know you are right but I just can't wrap my head around it. Probably because all I have any knowledge of is a home boiler and compressed natural gas. Sort of teaching an old dog new tricks or convincing the Queen that the world is round and we won't fall off the edge sailing to the west. Thanks for the information.