My junkyard, are there any interesting trains here?

39 Replies, 47909 Views

(02-25-2016, 08:45 AM)Thenewduckthegwr engine Wrote: I have a question do you have a bill and a Percy or Billy cause you could make Wilbert or sixteen as a custom I'm making Wilbert in my spare time I'll post a video on my YouTube channel here's a link if you want

Thats actually a great idea, I have a spare bill thats a bit beat up, slight body mods and a new paint job, and it'll work, I have plenty of extra/junk percy's laying around I just need another bill/ben to make sixteen

(02-25-2016, 09:35 AM)ripley802 Wrote: They have 3 AA. Actually now that I am thinking about it, it looks like you may have a Real Steam Thomas in your lot, that may be perfect for the battery car. That is, if it is one you already have and can use that one as a spare. The battery car has 2 batteries on top, and one on the bottom.

I am not sure if you have taken the top off of Percy yet, but the have a controller board in the front which has all th connections for the motor, sound, talk/action activation piece, etc... Yes these do need the green track pieces and they are sometimes easy to find on eBay in other lots or sometimes in a set. If you can get the power connected and see that it comes on, then the last variable would be if the activation piece works. They have a spring under them that sometimes needs replaced/reseated, or the little connecting piece inside the activation part have issues contacting each other. The latter can be a pain to fix.

Yeah I've taken his top off, hopefully I can get him running tonight, well at least the sound part, his drivetrain needs work too. The real steam Thomas is missing his battery car too ugh. I'm still thinking about a replacement battery truck, but I'm unsure of what to use.

Messages In This Thread
RE: My junkyard, are there any interesting trains here? - by anc6802 - 02-25-2016, 08:47 PM

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