My junkyard, are there any interesting trains here?

39 Replies, 47891 Views

(02-24-2016, 10:19 PM)ripley802 Wrote: Yep. Definately the TnA Percy. What accent will be the question. Simple test would be to connect the wires up to a 3v minimum source and it should come alive. These are finicky so if you need any assistance let me know. I may be able to spare some parts of you need down the road too. Other than the battery terminals which I still can't find replacement parts for, I have pretty much all of it.

Thanks, I might need spares, now are these supposed to be aa or AAA? Im going to solder the speaker wire tomorrow and provide some power. I see the special green tracks are on eBay so, that should be easy, the hard part is the battery box, perhaps a custom Gordon or james tender is in order.

Messages In This Thread
RE: My junkyard, are there any interesting trains here? - by anc6802 - 02-25-2016, 08:11 AM

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