My junkyard, are there any interesting trains here?

39 Replies, 47892 Views

Here is my collection of about 31 mostly fully assembled trains in the junkyard. Ive also got about another 15 or so trains that are totally disassembled for parts.

I guess my main question is that I seem to be getting trains that seem to be unique, and before i break anymore of these trains down, are there any in this collection that are worth restoring? Otherwise I have some plans for customs coming up when I get the parts in the mail that I ordered.

Also if anyone is looking for any parts, I have quite a stockpile, let me know if you need anything, i'm also looking to trade for parts of other trains.

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[Image: WP_20160222_23_55_12_Pro.jpg]
[Image: WP_20160222_23_55_56_Pro.jpg]
[Image: WP_20160222_23_56_25_Pro_1.jpg]

The only one I that I might restore is the real steam Thomas
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Messages In This Thread
My junkyard, are there any interesting trains here? - by anc6802 - 02-24-2016, 07:01 AM

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