(02-06-2016, 09:04 AM)DalaGStanator Wrote: That's almost like the same speed as the 3 Speed RC one on full power! On a side note, your Gordon looks like it's in mint condition. Where'd you get it from?
Did that video inspire you?
Thanks, I actually bought this Gordon brand new several years ago for my nephew, when he lost interest he gave them all back. He wasn't used much because he wasn't very fast at all.
It did inspire me to make a 9v James, which i'm refurbishing again for an upcoming post. I actually got the idea to use the flashlight battery pack from another post. I like that a 9v connector is used, I was able to get a 5 pack of those from radio shack and the great part was that the wire is a thicker gauge and the length was perfect. There is enough lead to go right to the power train assembly replacing the flimsy stock wiring.
(02-06-2016, 06:29 PM)chrisjo Wrote: With loco-tender combinations that have the batteries in the tender, that kind of traction loss can be caused by a lack of flexibility in the coupling between the two. Try bending the coupling slightly so that it is a very shallow 'U' shape (lower in the middle than at each end).
Thanks for the great idea I will give that a try tonight, I'm going to order several replacement "permanent" connectors as many of mine are brittle or broken
(02-06-2016, 08:59 PM)chrisjo Wrote: Those blue and white coaches are supposed to be narrow-gauge coaches, they came with Skarloey. more here:
Gordon's express coaches look like this:
also available in red & cream, and blue & cream.
Thanks for the informaiton! Well it sounds like I need to start looking to get a couple of express coaches now that Gordon now has the ability to be fast! I also just noticed that the narrow gauge coaches I have one is made by trackmaster and the other is made by Tomy.