Question About This Product...?

7 Replies, 9201 Views

The older version used a single clear incandescent bulb. A plastic sleeve around the bulb moved up and down to block out either the red or green colored lens. This is kind of a flimsy way to do it and I have had a couple fail because of it (had one apart). The newer version uses two clear LED bulbs one behind each colored lens and the switch turns off one bulb or the other. The newer version is much smaller than the old and brighter too which is great but I prefer the details of the older one with its offset head and ladder. Too bad they couldn't have just added the LED bulbs to the original and make it a tad smaller.

I have seen the green based ones as Sunhuntin mentions and took me a long time to find out what set that belonged to. When I did I found it to have many of the common accessory buildings we see and have but all with green bases, very different. Unfortunately I can not remember the set. Geesh Undecided

Messages In This Thread
RE: Question About This Product...? - by Super - 01-17-2016, 03:38 AM
RE: Question About This Product...? - by Super - 01-17-2016, 07:07 PM

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