Thread to help each other find missing Trains.

20 Replies, 30188 Views

I was thinking maybe we can start posting here mini trains that have been elusive in our collections. This way we can help each other out. I have mailed a few trains out and it is not terribly expensive. about $4.00 USD. If you want to just PM I can update this thread so they stay at the top. If i see any post below, i will also post them in this one as well.

Miniaddict - Needs #82 Flash Location: Texas, USA

Oliver's Dad - Needs #80, 81, 82, 83 Location ? Canada?

ilovehotshot - Needs #62 Percy Location: Texas, USA
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Messages In This Thread
Thread to help each other find missing Trains. - by Miniaddict - 01-15-2016, 12:42 AM

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