R-14 cross junction question

3 Replies, 5265 Views

Depends on the train and how long it is I think. With using it as a cross like the one you pictured some trains had no problem using that sharp route where others had slippage and still others the latter cars of a long rake would derail. A while back when I was re-engineering our layout I came upon a tricky spot with very little room for a normal curved piece to fit to connect the rails. I thought of Ucwepns video and modified (pictured below) an R-14 cross similar to his and it fit perfectly. I found it to be hard for some trains to make it through with quite a few derailments but in this layout the modified curve was followed by an incline which may have added to the derailments and slippage. It works perfect with just a single tram, like Ucwepns, and maybe even a tandem tram although I didn't try that.

So to make a long story longer and to answer your question...I believe they work OK but there may be occasions where there is trouble. I know...not very helpful. Undecided

[Image: 002_zps76r8blyc.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
R-14 cross junction question - by chrisjo - 01-07-2016, 08:07 PM
RE: R-14 cross junction question - by Super - 01-07-2016, 08:30 PM
RE: R-14 cross junction question - by chrisjo - 01-07-2016, 08:36 PM
RE: R-14 cross junction question - by Tramp - 01-07-2016, 11:10 PM

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