Jauce listings for 1 yen... Worth it?

7 Replies, 8444 Views

Hey everyone at BluePlasticTracks!

I recently read Ripley's thread on Jauce, and have been intrigued into possibly getting some plarail thomas trains from it. I have seen quite a few trains for 1 yen, and that makes me wonder... is this the real deal, or is it a totally damaged train? Here is one as an example: http://www.jauce.com/auction/d182493013

Selling it for 1 yen certainly is the draw, but I am unsure if this is a fake, or maybe it's the real deal but it is damaged?
It definitely takes some thinking about, but who better than to ask you people, as you all have very helpful tips! Smile

Messages In This Thread
Jauce listings for 1 yen... Worth it? - by gmeehanfilms - 01-03-2016, 06:46 AM

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